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In the wake of COVID-19 we at Juicing With Jai encourage you to be extra cautious with cleaning your fruits and vegetables. We have all seen ppl in farmers markets and grocery stores with poor hygiene coughing, sneezing, touching and feeling on fruit to test for ripeness. If you don’t have any food grade cleaners like food grade Peroxide, Baking Soda or Fruit and Vegetable Washes. You can always use 3 parts water and 1 part Vinegar to clean your fruits and vegetables as well.

Additionally, for your own safety we encourage you to:

•Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and often

•Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands

•Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or upper sleeve when coughing or sneezing

•Avoid contact with people who are sick

•Stay away from people if you are sick and contact your health practitioner

•Avoid handshakes

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