JWJ 90 Day Challenge 11/1/22
This is the sign that you’ll need in your video weigh in. If you are being recorded by someone you can stand on the scale and hold your sign and while standing the camera person is going to show the scale number on the video. You’ll also say the number and that’ll conclude your video.
If you are recording yourself you’ll have the camera facing you (selfie style). You’ll show the sign and then you’ll stand on the scale with the camera facing you and then you’ll show the number on the scale and you’ll also say the number and that’ll conclude your video.
You’ll then email your recorded video to jwj90daychallenge@gmail.com
FYI: All videos must be received by 11:59pm 11/1/22. Also 11:59pm is the cut off time to join the JWJ 90 Workout Challenge Group on FB.
Good Luck!!